Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Grants with Industry

  • The ANR project Hyflo-Eflu relies on a collaboration with the company "HydroTube Energie", that ended in December has given rise to deep collaboration with Hydotube Energy.

  • The ANR project Firecaster supports the Ph. D. Thesis of F. Allaire on the developpment of a fire decision support system at the national scale to estimate upcoming fire risk. The collaborations are CERFACS and CNRM (recherche de Météo-France).

  • The ANR project Cense supports the Ph. D. Thesis of A. Lesieur on the developpment of a new methodology for the production of more realistic noise maps. The industrial collaborations include:

    • Bouygues Énergies & Services

    • Wi6Labs

    • Bruitparif (association)

    We refer to



    for more details.